Nancy Kemner is often invited to speak at civic and social organizations on topics of interest to their members. If you would like to have Mrs. Kemner speak to your organization, please contact our office.

Presentations in the past have included:
“Importance of Having Your Legal Documents in Place and Up-to-date” - presented to the local Alzheimer’s Association Support Group at The Allegro, Fleming Island
“Elder Law and Estate Planning Issues” - a course given through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at University of North Florida (UNF)
Elder Law Issues presentation at Westminster Woods
“Importance of Estate Planning” - presentation at the Orange Park Senior Center for a Community Hospice sponsored event
Presentation on Elder Law Updates at The Allegro, Fleming Island
“Elder Law” - class given at the Shepherd’s Center, Orange Park, Florida
“The Aging Process and the Law, How to Protect Yourself” - a seminar for the Retirement Community of Penney Farms
“The Importance of Living Wills and Advance Directives” - a discussion for the Philanthropic Education Association (PEA)
“Essential Tools of Estate Planning” - presentation given at The Shepherd’s Center, Orange Park, Florida